
questions and answers

Buna ziua from Bucharest, Romania, I’ve always argued – possibly as a minority of one – that retail assistants are entitled to a bad day once in a while. They’re allowed, so my thinking goes, to a bad mood as long as they don’t wittingly project their gripes onto their customers. What’s more human than …Read More


beautiful and functional

Merhba from Valletta, Malta, The George Cross is the highest British honour recognising bravery in war. It is usually conferred on individuals. The only nation ever to be awarded the Geroge Cross is Malta. In April 1942, King George bestowed the unusual honour on Malta “to bear witness to a heroism and devotion that will …Read More


the rough and the smooth

Olá from Lisbon, Portugal, At what point does a city give up on the fight against graffiti? It must be a drain on precious state resources when the graffiti keeps coming back. In Lisbon, the city has succumbed and there is a huge amount of it. Perhaps they argue that it’s urban art. We’ve always …Read More


living and dying

Olá from Lisbon, Portugal, The evidence is unequivocal. Globalisation has brought both good and bad. In Portugal – first to navigate the oceans and colonise other parts (Let’s agree that was the first phase of globalisation.) – the benefits to contemporary culture are obvious. Portugal benefited whilst indigenes in hosts did not. Fado is a …Read More


Fischer vs Spassky

Halló from Iceland, When Reykjavik was the venue for the 1972 World Chess Championship, that was during the height of the Cold War and Iceland offered neutrality when the two finalists were from each of the two superpowers. The building was pointed out . . . but it’s just a building: unremarkable really and not …Read More


cut and dry

Halló from Iceland, the origins of one’s people are usually not going to occupy much of our thoughts, especially if we think the argument is solved. Here in Iceland, the beginnings of their civilisation seemed to be cut and dry. The orthodoxy was that Norwegian Vikings settled here in 874 AD. The Vikings were forefathers …Read More


compare and contrast

Witam from Poland, Why is it that tourists are drawn to Old Towns? It seems a paradox in an era when our civilisation is so heavily based on modernity, in finding solutions in the new and archaic irrelevance in the old. It’s not as if we are all strolling along the cobblestone pavements studiously comparing …Read More


concentration and extermination

Witam from Warsaw, A lot has already been written about the Holocaust and the concentration camps like Auschwitz and Birkenau in southern Poland. The truisms and homilies are all apt. It’s difficult to see what humanity the Nazis were drawing on here during World War 2. It’s great to see the large number of modern …Read More


rats or Robinsons?

Witam from Warsaw, Poland Warsaw was so badly damaged during World War 2 that the new government briefly considered not rebuilding the city. But it happened, and the transformation has been impressive by anyone’s standards. There’s another human story emanating from Warsaw that’s worth retelling. Little known outside Poland is the fact that the Nazis …Read More


black and white

Merhaba from Türkiye, If you are the type of traveller who eschews crowded places, the Türkish Riviera still has options for you. Not every resort destination has been spoilt by over-exploitation and congestion. And you will already know that there are marketing campaigns specifically tailored for you and your cohort. The best way to guess …Read More